As the sun set over a gloriously sunny, crisp fall day in Venice, Crystal Symphony was abuzz with excitement over and beyond the normal liveliness of embarkation day. Guests joining the ship and those already in situ from previous voyages knew that this night marked a landmark chapter in Crystal’s history: the launch of a prestigious new gaming room, in partnership with the legendary Société des Bains de Mer Monte Carlo.
All day, curious guests strolled past the heavy wooden doors, emblazoned with the intricate logo of the casino and festooned with a celebratory ribbon – in Crystal’s signature blue, of course. But their first glimpse inside this exciting new space wouldn’t come until later that night.

First, there were cocktails and champagne at a glittering reception held in Crystal Cove. In attendance were two luminaries of the Crystal Family – Executive Chairman of A&K Travel Group Manfredi Lefebvre, and Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Abercrombie & Kent, Geoffrey Kent, both of whom had joined this special cruise to honor the casino’s opening. Guests were suitably dressed to impress to mark the occasion, with smart tuxedos for men and elegant gowns for women. The ship had barely even left port before the first couples took the dance floor while a live jazz band played on. As the ship sailed into the night, it must have looked from the outside like a glittering jewel.
Following a delectable dinner in Waterside, all eyes turned back to those doors. Mr Lefebvre and Mr. Kent delivered their speeches and then the ribbon was cut. The casino was officially opened and guests flocked to be the first at the blackjack tables and to take the first spins of the roulette wheel. There were cries of happiness and groans of disappointment, as is the way in casinos, but no one was in a hurry to leave. Judging by the opening night alone, this new partnership looks to be a sure bet.