When Rao heard Crystal was the pinnacle for elite butlers, he knew where he wanted to pursue his career. Now Head Butler onboard Crystal Serenity, he has been a proud member of the crew for almost 20 years. When he is not at sea, Rao enjoys returning home to Kerala, India, to spend time with his wife and two children.
“My journey with Crystal began in 2005. Previously, I was a butler at a five-star hotel in Dubai. I loved it there, but I had heard whispers about Crystal being the pinnacle for elite butlers and that's where I set my sights.
"I started as an assistant waiter and after six years of aspiring to be a butler an opening emerged – for one cruise. The Hotel Director knew that I had been a butler in the past and I had often expressed my interest in changing departments. Finally, my chance came, and I never looked back. Within a year, I was promoted to Head Butler.
“Working with Crystal is about passion. It's a wonderful feeling being on the same ship with the same guests. When they arrive, I don't need to ask what they want; I just know. Unlike colleagues in other luxury cruise companies who see themselves as room service waiters, Crystal is more – it’s about knowing the guests and anticipating their needs before they realize them.
“Mentoring and training butlers in the ethos of Crystal is essential. The first 60 seconds when you meet your butler onboard are crucial – it's about making the guest feel comfortable and putting yourself in their shoes for the best experience. I ensure all our guests are happy and well-taken care of and I also provide butler service for our VIP guests.
“I have so many memories from over the years. Among the stand-outs is Colonel Hawthorn, a 98-year-old World Cruiser and war veteran, who dreamed of teeing off from the Great Wall of China. It just so happened that the World Cruisers were having an event on the Great Wall, so I asked the destination experience manager if they could help make Colonel Hawthorne’s dream come true.
“Just before the dinner started, he was told he could tee off. His joy was palpable. We then mounted the club he used with a commemorative plaque in the Captain's quarters. Unforgettable.
“On another occasion, I helped orchestrate a marriage proposal during a special meal. I had planned a meal of all the young lady’s favorite foods and the couple were having a great time. For dessert – strawberry cheesecake, I remember – I arranged for a small chocolate disc with "Will you marry me" written on it to be discovered at the end of the meal. She said yes!
“Making moments like these is why I love my job. As butlers with Crystal, we want to create one-of-a-kind, lasting impressions that no other cruise company can replicate. When the call came that we were returning to sail, more than 80% of the butlers said yes. The joy of getting that call, asking if I was ready to return, was indescribable – it was a no-brainer.”